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Learn more about Niameys food system below

Coming soon

City overview

Niamey is the capital and largest city of Niger. Niamey lies on the Niger River, and has a population of around 1.4 million. The region experiences a Sudanian Sahelo climate characterized by a short rainy season and a long dry season from. it is home to the Niger River, the only permanent river in the region. The region engages in diverse agricultural production systems, including market gardening, rice farming, horticulture, poultry farming, fish farming, and more.

However, the region faces challenges such as recurrent floods, erratic rainfall, inadequate agricultural techniques, and heavy dependence on imported essential products. These factors contribute to food insecurity among a significant portion of the urban population. To address these issues, initiatives have been undertaken, such as supporting counter-season crops, subsidizing cereals, promoting fertilizer use, rehabilitating infrastructure, establishing an agricultural council, providing training programs, implementing flood mitigation efforts, and developing policies and programs to combat food insecurity.

Efforts are focused on strengthening resilience, reducing vulnerabilities, and improving the livelihoods of farmers in the Niamey region.

City food system ambitions

• Establish food system and safety infrastructures such as; food safety and food system surveillance, monitoring, and data collection.
• Promotion and establishment of more standard market stalls and vendor support systems.
• Support the establishment of food-related ordinances and policies, on handling, transporting and storage of food.
• Sensitize communities on/ promote food recycling technologies.

What challenges can AfriFOODlinks support?

● Developing of urban agriculture and urban peri through “Niamey Noma Rani” and the launch of the pilot project “Niamey City healthy and sustainable” implemented in 2020 in collaboration with the NGO ACRA

● Access to a healthy diet (case of healthy and sustainable city)

● Organization and capacity building

● Constructions of water infrastructure


Food and nutrition insecurity, market management, food waste, urban agriculture and land use, supply chains, climate Change and extreme weather events and  poor infrastructure. 

Market management
Food waste
Food safety

"The vendors were involved in the design of the food stalls. They wanted supermarket-style stalls with vertical layouts so that more products could be displayed. Storage compartments underneath provided a place to keep produce and facilitated customer interaction" - Peter Businda (Rikolto Coordinator)

Status of food and nutrition security

  1. Access to healthy and nutritious food, especially for children
  2. Strong informal sector
  3. Multi-functional centres that improve food security and provide community resilience Improved circular economies



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