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Learn more about Lusaka's food system below

City overview

Lusaka, the capital and largest city of Zambia, is a major economic and administrative center in the southern part of the country. With a population of approximately 3 million people, Lusaka serves as a hub for transportation, commerce, and industry. The city’s economy is diverse, with sectors like mining, manufacturing, finance, and services contributing to its growth.
Lusaka faces food security challenges, particularly in its informal settlements where households have limited access to diverse and nutritious food. Efforts to address this include the establishment of the Lusaka Food Policy Council, which collaborates with NGOs and government departments to discuss food system issues. Various projects and programs have been implemented, such as Healthy Food Africa and Safe Food Zambia, to enhance food security and nutrition.

Lusaka’s commitment to improving food and nutrition security is evident through initiatives and collaborations aimed at reducing malnutrition and stunting. The city’s local authority works with NGOs and government departments to provide platforms for discussing food security and nutrition issues at the city level. By addressing governance challenges and promoting diverse food sources, Lusaka aims to create a more sustainable and secure food system for its residents.


Food and nutrition insecurity,

•  Access to healthy and affordable food

Malnutrition and childhood stunting

Food waste

•  Climate change and extreme weather events

• Poor infrastructure

Multi-stakeholder governance

Food Safety

• Urban agriculture and land use

What challanges can AfriFOODlinks support with?

 ● Lusaka lacks a food waste disposal system
● Lusaka has inadequate policies that promote healthy foods
● Lusaka is facing an emergence of modern supermarkets
● Lusaka City doesn’t grow its own food
● Lusaka lacks market accessibility and infrastructure



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